Under Life's Big Top WC II/VII (17.5" x 23.5"
The Pensioners WC no edition (22.5" x 22.5")
What It All Means (state 1) WC V/V (23.5" x 17.5")
What It All Means (state 2) WC II/V (23.5" x 17.5")
Western Outcropping #1 WC No Edition (gold) (23.5" x 17.5")
The Nervousness of Life WC no edition (17.5" x 23.5")
Unauthenticated Miracle WC I/V (23.5" x 17.5")
Western Outcropping #2 WC II/VII (23.5" x 17.5")
Tableau with Many Women and Several Horses WC I/V (23.5" x 17.5")
Western Outcropping #1 WC No Edition (green) (23.5" x 17.5")
Two Horse Ritual WC I/II (17.5" x 23.5")
Two of the Three Graces WC I/VII (17.5" x 23.5")
Under Life's Big Top WC II/VII (17.5" x 23.5")
Village of First Cousins Upstate WC II/V (17.5" x 23.5")
Trick WC I/VII (14.5" x 17.75")
To Catch a Unicorn WC I/V (23.5" x 17.5")
The Nervousness of Life WC No Edition (17.5" x 23.5").jpg
Tricks Feats and Stunts WC III/VII (23.5" x 17.5")
Stiltwalker WC __/V (23.5" x 17.5")
Stunt WC II/V (14.5" x 17.75")
Stiltwalker WC I/V (23.5" x 17.5")
Saints in Grottos I WC (cropped) (23.5" x 17.5")
Saint Joan WC I/V (23.5" x 17.5")
Riding the Duck for Mom WC no edition (23.5" x 17.5")
Renaissance and Quatro Centro Pursuits WC III/V (23.5" x 17.5")
Riders of the Purple Sage WC I/V (17.5" x 23.5")
Path Less Taken WC V/V (23.5" x 17.5")
Protocols and Easements WC VII/VII (23.5" x 17.5")
Professor WC V/V (17.5" x 23.5")
Performance Art WC IV/VII (17.5" x 23.5")
Men and Their Machines WC __/V ( (23.5" x 17.5").jpg
Professor WC III/V (17.5" x 23.5")
Old Time Religion WC II/VII (23.5" x 17.5")
Men and Their Machines WC II/V (gold) (23.5" x 17.5")
Moby & Co. WC II/V (blue) (23.5" x 17.5")
Men and their Machines WC ___/V (23.5" x 17.5")
Oscar Wild WC II/II (9.75" x 13.5")
Moby & Co. WC II/V (blue on yellow) (23.5" x 17.5")
Memories of the Empire Theater WC II/V (23.5" x 17.5")
Medieval Jobs Program WC __/V (23.5" x 17.5")
Memories of the Empire Theater WC II/V (23.5" x 17.5")
Judgement of Bork WC State 2 no edition (23.5" x 17.5")
Life's Voyages WC III/VII (23.5" x 17.5")
It's Always Something WC II/V (23.5" x 17.5")
Life's Voyage WC No Edition (23.5" x 17.5")
Judge Not WC __/V (23.5" x 17.5").jpg
It's Always Something WC II/V (23.5" x 17.5")
Italian Unicorns with Italian Virgins WC I/IV (23.5" x 17.5")
History of Men #1 WC I/VII (23.5" x 17.5").jpg
In England WC No Edition (6.75" x 9.5").jpg
Inclined WC no edition (11" x 10")
History of Men #2 WC I/VII (23.5" x 17.5")
German War Memorial WC No Edition (17.5" x 23.5")
History Lesson WC No Edition (23.5" x 17.5")
German War Memorial WC II/VII (17.5" x 23.5")
Forgotten Historical Incident WC I/V (23.5" x 17.5")
Garden of Verses WC I/VII (23.5" x 17.5")
German War Memorial WC II/VII (17.5" x 23.5")
French Woman with Tree WC I/V (17.75" x 17.5")
Feat WC II/VII (14.5" x 17.75)
Etruscan Musings WC III/V (gold)(23.5" x 17.5")
Fat Horse Fat Rider WC I/V (13.5" x 17")
Finger Lakes #2, America Strikes Back WC II/III (23.5" x 17.5")
Early American Float WC I/V (gold)(23.5" x 17.5")
Famous Horse WC I/V (17.5" x 23.5")
Early American Float WC (no signature or edition v2)(23.5" x 17.5")
Etruscan Musings WC I/V (blue) (23.5" x 17.5")
Early American Float WC (no signature or edition v3) (23.5" x 17.5")
Diana and the Target of Opportunity WC I/V (23.5" x 17.5")
Dancing #2 WC III/V (20" x 17.5")
Diana and the Target of Opportunity WC No Edition (23.5" x 17.5")
Conjuror's Intermission (Apprentice) WC I/IV (23.5" x 17.5")
Crewing Upstate WC No Edition (17.5" x 23.5")
Chance Encounters WC I/VII (17.5" x 23.5")
Conjuror's Apprentice WC II/V (23.5" x 17.5")
Booth Metaphors Women's Encampment WC I/V (17.5" x 23.5")
Dancing #1 WC II/V (20" x 17.5")
Conjuror's Apprentice WC (signed, no title or edition) (23.5" x 17.5)
Bottom of the Slide WC II/III (23.5" x 17.5")
Bo Peep WC II/VII (14.5" x 17.5")
Booth of Metaphors Village of Cousins Upstate WC I/V (17.5" x 23.5")
An Evening at Home WC I/V (23.5" x 17.5")
Booth of Metaphors XIV Century Women WC II/V (17.5" x 23.5").
Assignation II WC No Edition (12.5" x 17")
A Babe & One Half WC II/V (11.25" x 13.25")